: Thursday 12 July 2012

Oh well, hello you guys who are actually creeping I meant spending time here to read my blog posts. I'm bored so I'll update a lil bit. and here I'll be a delusional like my normal self. yup

Okay so there is a list of places on Earth that I really really reeeeaaalllyyy want to visit before I die.

  1. SANTORINI, Greece.
Many of you wouldn't know where that is so.. I'll link you some photos to it. ;D

 Santorini is actually the place where they filmed the Mamamia mv. And richies get married there because its a gorgeous place.

Buildings are mainly blue and white~


sakdhjasdjcsfkjdcskcsdkjnfc u________u i need money

yup even staircase is pretty there u_u

2. Venice 

It's so beautiful there but I heard everything is expensive u_u

not gonna share photos cos lazy. you all know how venice look like lah, water, boat, sunset, nice buildings.

3. Seoul

ugh to shop and see oppa ofc

4. Hawaii

I need to see legit hot guy in swimming trunks. 

5. Canada.

I just liked Canada idek why. 

6. oppa's room


thats all bc rp is busy yup 

Gay.: Sunday 17 June 2012

This shall be an ~almost~ Kris appreciation post.

Kris, a veryveryveryveryveryveryveryberyveryberyvery handsome man from le mainland, China. He is very gay and derpy and his eyeballs are magic. He has this face of an.... ugh angel. He is magical because he's tall like me and he has pretty as barbie smile I think he is a hairy fairy.

ok idk what to write anhymore to be continue like those tv3 dramas pmsl
WHOZ THAT GURL.: Friday 6 April 2012

Hey guys, I haven't blogged in a while, no, I'm not busy. Like I said, I spent 15 years of lazy life and the lazy life goes on.

Okay, Bicara Berirama. WE WON. 

Betong, not a big place but we feel da love bb. Friendly person who took photo with me. I don't know their names but :D people said I've got some fans. >_>

Telematch, so much to say about it. Tiring yet fun.

I was in-charged of the slide, with Kimmeh and Isaac.

Went to school really early that day, met some people and off we go to prepare our slide. The prefects didn't clean it properly, sibeh dirty lo.  But its fine lah.

I felt bad for the people who went to our station though, poops everywhere. e-e Stooopid Isaac keep torturing the people IDE.

Oh ya the milk tea I bought from the RC peeps were daebakkkk!!1!1!! Bought some for Isaac and Nick. \o/

HAAHAHAHAHA I TALKED TO KOREANS AND CRUSH during telematch =u= adjskhdfjf so cute ;__; and half naked boys. akjdhsfhd okay I'll shut up.

What else happened? umm...


I shall sleep. paipai :3
A great week I guess?: Friday 16 March 2012

I'm still sick, yes I am, after like a week (?) THIS FLU AND COUGH WILL NEVER GET OFF ME. So I'm like a /weak/ person, whenever I get sick, I get sick for more than a week. A WEEK. My poor throat and voice. ; o ; 
Because a huge Dongwoo gif is needed.

Anyway, I went for bicara berirama training this week. Yes, everyday of this week exclude le Sunday. Oh ya I got lazy yesterday so I decided not to go.

Sekapur sirih, seulas pinaaaaang,
Menyulam kasih, mengiiiikat sayang.
Puteri St Teresa membuka gelanggaaaaang,
Dengarkanlah ceritera penuh pedoman.

Almost everyone got sick this holiday, I guess its not a really good one. :/

Plus, I found out that Gongchan (Yup, my husband) is as lazy as I am.

On behalf of my husband, I apologize for our laziness and we'll stop being lazy soon. -bows-

I pre-ordered my Ignition album !!1!1!1!!




For a twitter friend I met not long ago.: Monday 12 March 2012

So gurl, here's your scenario. I'm not sure it you will get it though ;-; nevermind lah just post it. I imagined you with a tall Hoya looking Korean so here you go ^___^ It's another winter day when Damia hung out with Mr Anon le Sessy but today, Damia forgot her gloves. As she was walking home with him (just imagine its a cold evening and there's no one else but you guys) after their /date/. Damia was trying to keep some distance from Mr Anon le Sessy. (you know it's awkward when you both go too close because you guys have crush on each other) and Damia was blowing hot air on her hands to keep her hands warm. Mr Anon le Sessy kept asking Damia if she wants his gloves. She shook her head. The atmosphere soon became colder since its almost night time then, he took off his glove on his left hand and put it on Damia's left hand. (he's on her right) He grabbed her hand and put their hands in his pocket as they walked home. Damia quickly took off his glove when they reached her doorstep. Before she turn away to get in her house, Mr Anon le Sessy took her hands and say, "Will you give me a chance to keep you warm for the rest of my life?" e___________e forever hating my life this is so awkward I'll explain to you on twitter if you don't get it. ; o ;
Alright, it's time to post something.: Saturday 10 March 2012

I lost my mindddd. No I lost my voice. So much for shouting today. Thanks to the bahasa berirama practise. I creys.

First I lost my voice then I realized my face condition is getting worser. -kills the zits on my face- I hate pimples, they hurt so much. Next, I found out that I'm still fat. I know, my life is saddd.

So I was checking out we heart it today, I found lots of awesome stuff. Let me share some of them with you guys. hoho.

; o ; her accessories are so prettyyy.

I always have a thing for bows. ^ thats so cute.

her eye make-up guys adsadjsfjd my eyes are so ugly.

ou-em-geeeeee. her look, her hair asdfhgjf so pretty *^*

koreans have got nice legs. EAT THE KIMCHI GUYS!

i found this pretty. idek why.

mustacheeee ring o u o 

alright, i would wear like that if my body allows me to ;-; 

lovin' that style!

okay so I posted all these pretty photos to make ugly girls like me feel bad :| lets be on diet togetherrrr.

that's all for todayy. byeeeeeeeee!

Some little awesome shitty stuff I did for my friends today.: Wednesday 7 March 2012

Alrite, so I got so inspirited today and I made romantic scenarios for my friends ^-^

My favourite ones are Marcia's and Sheril's. Here's how it goes,

I shall name their future boyfriend Mr. Anon le Sessy.

Marcia's crush (Mr. Anon le Sessy) asked people from the college to send Marcia one flower each during class time (you know like they'll knock the door and everyone will gossip like wow she got roses._.). By the time the school ends, Marcia will have 99 roses (the roses are from different people but Mr. Anon le Sessy was the one who sent them). Marcia will walk home with Mr. Anon le Sessy with her 99 roses. On their way Mr. Anon le Sessy will pretend to be jealous of the people who sent Marcia those roses and Mr Anon le Sessy keep teasing Marcia until she merajuk. Then Mr Anon le Sessy finally takes the 100th rose/roses (orz y is my engrish so baddeu) and ask her, ''Will you be my girlfriend?'' Marcia smiles prettily (Marcia has a nice smile tbh) and nodded.

sobs the story doesn't sound that romantic when I type it e_e whyyyy

Sheril's, I imagined her with Myungsoo so he will replace Mr Anon le Sessy.

Myungsoo brought Sheril to this really busy street (you know like Myeongdong ._.) and he asked Sheril to wait for him at a certain spot. While she was waiting for Myungsoo, strangers came giving her red heart-shaped balloons one by one. Right until she got like idek ._. 20 balloons, a cute kiddo will ask her to turn around and checkout the screen on the building (you know those really big screen on a tall building where everyone can see .__.) The words on the screen says, 'Sheril, will you be my girlfriend?' Sheril will be shocked and Myungsoo will come from somewhere and hold her hands asking, "Will you?" Sheril hugged Myungsoo and he kissed her. Sheril released the balloons thats she was holding and kissed back. 

Kim and Mr Anon le Sessy.

Kim's Mr Anon le Sessy will be a very talented guy, he plays the piano and he's rich. So one night Mr Anon le Sessy invited his friends and of course, his crush --- Kim. Everyone was partying (nicely not hardcore punya ha, they wore gowns and tux) then suddenly, Mr Anon le Sessy pulled Kim's hand and led her to the piano. He sat down, played the piano and sang. He smiled to Kim because Kim was nervous(?) since she didn't know what to do and their friends are watching, of course. After the song, Mr Anon le Sessy asked Kim, ''Will you be my girlfriend?" Kim blushed and pulled Mr Anon le Sessy out of the room (I shall let them be at the garden), grabbed his hands and she said, "I do."

Emelia and Mr Anon le Sessy.

So just pretend Emelia's daily routine is about the same and the places she goes to are the same. Mr Anon le Sessy left letters (not long letters its like A B C D) at the places she'll go on that certain day. Each places she goes to, she'll get a letter. At the end of the day, Mr Anon le Sessy asked her out. After dinner, he'll ask her if she got letter's today and asked her to rearrange the letters. It says "B-E M-I-N-E ?" Emelia then nodded and hugged him.

Sam and Mr Anon le Sessy.

Before confessing to Sam, Mr Anon le Sessy spent a really hard time to draw & make animes of themselves and stuff they went through together. He asked her out one night, had candlelight dinner with her at a restaurant (they are alone there). Before leaving home, the LCD screen at the restaurant will show the anime Mr Anon le Sessy prepared and at the end of the anime, animated Mr Anon le Sessy (the anime version of Mr Anon le Sessy) will ask animated Sam (the anime version of Sam of course) to be his girlfriend then the movie ended without an answer. Mr Anon le Sessy then asked Sam, "Answer for her?". Sam said yes and they hugged. 

Sob its weird sorrehhh.

Lydia and Mr Anon le Sessy.

Mr Anon le Sessy arranged a huge heart shape and the words ''Will you be my girlfriend?'' on a clean sandy beach. He brought Lydia on a helicopter and asked her to look down, Lydia saw the heart and the sentence. She read it out and Mr Anon le Sessy (okay lets say he's a funny/playful guy) said "Opps, you saw!'' And Lydia will be like "I see what you did there~''. Mr Anon le Sessy will ask her, "Well, do you have an answer for that?" Lydia said "The answer will be definitely a YES!" and they lived happily ever after. 

Azreen & da Nam Woohyun.

-will do it in the next post since I forgot sob- 

Vero & Mr Anon le Sessy

-will do this in the next post too since I need to think of a better one for her- -its vero bah-

Okeh now for Gikwang's gurlpren. I shall pair her with Mr Anon le Sessy. This is loooong.

Mr Anon le Sessy made a movie for Mal to confess his love. One day, he brought Mal to the cinema and he booked a hall just for themselves. The movie he prepared are the combinations of the videos he secretly took (not a stalker okay) to show how perfect the girl he had a crush on is. Before the movie starts, he left Mal and left her at the cinema alone. He asked the person in charged to play the movie and left to get her flowers. The movie ended with the song Mr Anon le Sessy composed and written for Mal, asking if she wanted to be his girlfriend. She cried a little tears of joy and ran out the cinema to look for him. She had no idea where she was going and suddenly she ran into him. He smiled when he saw her running around looking for her (just made mal look crazy im so sorry) He grabbed her arm from the back and pulled her into a hug (one hand jak lah) Mal asked him where he went and he showed the flower he bought "Pretty flowers for my pretty soon-to-be girlfriend." Mal didn't deny it and blushed as he hold her hand.


credits: 1 2 copyright © a little memory
"♫ music coming soon."